tirsdag 26. mai 2009


Dette inlegget kommer orginalt fra min private blogg, men jeg valgte å publisere den her, fordi den er kjemi relatert! Håper den faller i smak, selv om den er skrevet på engelsk!

I've gotten many new "followers", if i may call you, that doesn't speek Norwegian.
Therefore I will make this post in English!

I've studied Chemistry for almost 4 years now, I'm currently studying at the Institute of energy Technology, where I study the use of "tracers" for reservoirs purposes.

Enough said, the cause of this post is to tell you about a new purchase I've just done!
It's of a metallic substance called Bismuth!
this Substance is given different names all over the world, as said in the title, but it all comes back to the original "chemical symbol", Bi.
Here are some facts!

Bismuth is an element in the periodic table of elements.
It's "atomic number" is 83, it's "group number" is 15 and it's period is "6".

The element Bismuth probably been known to man since the "ancient antic"(correct me if I'm wrong on this), but was not discovered as an independent matter before the middle age, when discovered by the alchemist Basilius Valentinus in 1450. In earlier ages Bismuth was often mistaken for tin or lead. First in 1753 was it classified as a metal by Claude François Geoffroy.

It's weight is estimated to 208,98038 unit.

It's melting point is 271,2¤C, the boiling point is 1564¤C.
It's electrons per energy level, or electron shells, are 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 5.
Bismuth is not much so reactive, but it's electron configuration tells us that this matter reacts well with halogens, even sulfur.

In room temperature Bismuth doesn't oxidize, and it's not affected by corrosion when in contact with water, nor does it take any affect by hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid or base solutions.
Bismuth is also radioactive but the radiation is so weak, that's it's nearly measurable due to it's long "decay-time". Due to this time, Bismuth i almost cleared as "stable" or non-radioactive.
Bismuth is also one of the few non-poisonous heavy metals.

In 2007 there were produced 5700 tons Bismuth worldwide.
The biggest producer was China with 3000 tons, followed by Kasakhstan (1200 tons) and Peru (960 tons). Worlds commercial mineral-reserves is estimated to be around 320 000 tons.

The price of Bismuth varied tremendously in 2007! From approximately 16 USD to about 41 USD per kilo!

The average price in 2007 was 0ver 176% higher than in 2006!

  • Bismuth is used as an alloy with low melting point.
  • Ammunition with Bismuth is approved by the USA, and Norway, as a non-poisonous ammunition, due to the introduce prohibition against poisonous ammo, lead.
  • Bismuth is used as a protection against radiation.
  • Bismuth is used as a compensation or a substitute for lead, because it's less poisonous.
  • Vismutoxcidchlorid is often used in make up.
  • Bismuth is used in the mechanism that triggers sprinkler systems.

Back to my purchase!
I've just purchased a bismuth crystal!

This one is grown by a man named J. Kihle in 2007.
This one is number "5" of total "8" made in this series of crystals by Kihle.
J.Kihle is a chemist/geologist/artist at "The Institut of Energy Technology", he has also been featured in media for his interest in Bismuth and his technics of growing them.
A friend of mine and I have been so lucky, that we got to watch him try to make a crystal, LIVE!
It's a hard and very delicate procedure, that takes a lot of time, and extreme accuracy!
Unfortunately it didn't go that well, but it was fun to watch!

This one is weighs 324 grams, I paid 1000 Norwegian kroner, it's about 3 kroners per gram. 1000 NOK equals about 160 USD, in todays valutta.

Unfortunately my camera is not able to capture all it's coloration, but it's looks absolutely stunning.

Thanks for reading! Please give feedback :)

torsdag 10. april 2008

Laboratoriefag, et sterk grunnlag

Som lærling i StatoilHydro har jeg allerede sikret meg et sterk grunnlag for videre arbeid og utdanning innen fagområdet. Olje- og gassindustrien har stort behov for ny arbeidskraft, og kommer til å ha større behov fram i tid.

Med fagbrev står du også sterkt for videre utdanning til f.eks ingeniør, eneste som er litt dumt er at du ikke får "generell studiekompetanse" av å gå labfag (noe som jeg syns bør endres).

Her er en link til lærling i StatoilHydro hvis noen er interessert.

Og dessuten får du to flotte år der du lærer masse og møter mange nye interessante mennesker! ;)

mandag 7. april 2008

Nytt fra utdanningsdirektoratet

Nye læreplaner for vg3 opplæring i bedrift. Her er kompetansemålene for lærlinger, brukes også i vg1 og vg2 i prosjekt til fordypning.

lørdag 5. april 2008

En faglaborants bekjennelser

Noen bilder fra Laboratoriefag ved Sørumsand VGS.

Titrering med fenolftalein og rensing av KNO3.

HMS er viktig på en lab, særlig hvis du skal drive med konsentrert saltsyre (HCl) som Are her demonstrerer ved å gjøre en liten pose i fullt verneutstyr.

Biodiesel vi har laget ved hjelp av delfiafett, metanol og fast kaliumhydroksid.


torsdag 3. april 2008

Nytt studietilbud Lab- rock- drama?

Hva skal til for å få flere søkere til labfag? Er vi ikke kuule nok? I 2Lta på Sørumsand er det mange som har musikk og dans som hobby. Hva med å lage video? Sjekk denne videoen som jeg fant på You Tube "Resistant to Base" Det fins forresten mye bra på You Tube, ikke bare tull, en del gode undervisningssnutter også, bare så sørgelig synd at skolen vår har sperret for nettstedet. Så videoer må vi se på hjemme, sånn er det med den saken. Synd men sant. Jippi You tube er ikke sperret lenger. Teksten til lab sangen finner du her Tips til oversettings- oppgave i engelsk

tirsdag 1. april 2008

Takk for gode tilbakemeldinger

Jeg er helt enig med deg Anne, det hadde vært fint å få litt drahjelp fra bedriftene som trenger lærlinger. Har du kontaktpersoner så inviter dem med på bloggen. Wenche sa i sin kommentar at dette burde gi en dominoeffekt, det håper jeg virkelig. Fint hvis alle labfag elevene fra Melhus også blir bidragsytere. Jeg venter på innlegg........

mandag 31. mars 2008

Få ungdommen på banen!

Jeg oppfordrer alle laboratoriefag- lærlinger og elever til å bidra i bloggen. Næringslivet har behov for ungdom som dere. Vi trenger flere faglaboranter og dere er gode ambassadører. Kjenner du noen? Send en invitasjon!